Ek en Pieter was al vorige kere deur die paleis self, so ons het meer tyd in die tuine spandeer, terwyl die ander mense deur die groooot paleis met al sy mooi vertrekke geloop het.
Daar is ongelooflike blombeddings reg rondom die groot geboue.

So here we are.... I have been living in London for almost 4 years now, and still loving it! This blog will tell you about the experiences we have over here and hopefully you will "meet" the great people that I have grown to know and love here! If this is your first visit, please scroll down to the bottom, as this is where the adventure begins... If you would like to see the postings of previous months - please go to the archives.
Nee - g'n eend in ons woonstel nie, asb - ek wil nie in die oggende wakker gepiep word nie!
Shoe, maar dis pragtig! Eendag as ek groot is wil ek ook so 'n tuin hĂȘ.tata.e
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